This documentary promoting the joys of life in a Soviet village centers around the activities of the Young Pioneers. These children are constantly busy, pasting propaganda posters on walls, distributing hand bills, exhorting all to "buy from the cooperative" as opposed to the Public Sector, promoting temperance, and helping poor widows. Experimental portions of the film, projected in reverse, feature the un-slaughtering of a bull and the un-baking of bread 92电影网免费观看流畅给您全新的影视体验。私人影视电影手机在线播放高清完整版,免费观看超清又名三米影视观看超清大片每周精心为大家推荐。52来看网在线观看无删减版电影最新电影,电视剧手机在线观看92电影网,2022年最新李子影视精彩不断