In this three-part series Alastair Sooke (Treasures Of Ancient Rome, Pride and Prejudice: Having A Ball) explores the riches and unique legacy of Greek art. Episode One tells the story of Greek art from its surprising, often mysterious origins, travelling from Crete to Santorini, Mycenae to Delphi. Episode Two explores the astonishing development of classical art - the so called 'Greek revolution', asking how did the ancient Greeks get so good, so fast? The final instalment looks in detail at a handful of works that have achieved the status of masterpieces, tracing the complex and fascinating story of western civilisation’s love affair with Greek art, from the Romans to modern times冬瓜电影网高清完整正版视频在线观看悍马影视免费VIP影视在线观看免费版高清在线观看,手机影院,高清电影又名亨达影视伙伴影院汇聚全网。免费在线观看高清完正版超清视频在线观看包括冬瓜电影网,在线观看无删减版电影韩剧电影网包涵